SAN International

The SAN INSTITUTION offers world-class business education. The faculty guarantees that students develop into leaders capable of working in a variety of settings and achieving the most difficult goals. The college has established an innovative academic atmosphere that emphasises collaborative teamwork, entrepreneurship, a global viewpoint, and an emphasis on new ideas and fresh perspectives. Students receive tailored assistance to help them build their leadership skills and careers.

SAN International College and FACE Prep Campus

Semester-Wise Study Plan: BCA Program Curriculum

Sem 1

University Syllabus


Fundamentals of Programming (Language aligned with University Syllabus)
Sem 2

University Syllabus


Front-End Development
Sem 3

University Syllabus


Data Structure & Algorithm
Sem 4

University Syllabus


Back-End Development
Artificial intelligence
| Data Science &
Machine Learning
Sem 5

University Syllabus


Company Specific Placement Training &
Paid Internship
Sem 6

University Syllabus


Capstone Projects &
Contact us

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