Kamaraj College

Kamaraj College is dedicated to developing young men and women into excellent global citizens. Kamaraj College students recognise that with the power of knowledge comes the duty to apply it for the greatest good of the community. They see obstacles as possibilities. Students at Kamaraj  College are equipped with professional competence, the ability to assume positions of leadership with ease, and the ability to smash inhibiting glass ceilings.

Kamaraj College and FACE Prep 

Semester-Wise Study Plan: BCA Program Curriculum

Sem 1

University Syllabus


Fundamentals of Programming (Language aligned with University Syllabus)
Sem 2

University Syllabus


Front-End Development
Sem 3

University Syllabus


Data Structure & Algorithm
Sem 4

University Syllabus


Back-End Development
Artificial intelligence
| Data Science &
Machine Learning
Sem 5

University Syllabus


Company-Specific Placement Training &
Paid Internship
Sem 6

University Syllabus


Capstone Projects &
Contact us

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